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A Tentative TBR || July 2023

Hey y’all.

First off, a happy 4th to all of my American people out there. Make sure to stay safe and enjoy the day!

I’m glad to be writing another one of these! As much as I dislike TBR lists, for some reason these tend to be fun posts to write. I think it’s because it forces me to sorta decide my thoughts about a book before going into it, and it’s always cool to see what I thought before and my thoughts once I finish!

My reading has been both random and consistent lately. Meaning, I’ve been reading at least a little bit 3 to 4 days a week (usually on my lunch break at work and/or on the weekends), but that reading could be physical books, audiobooks, Webtoons, or graphic novels and I’ll sometimes be reading 3 or 4 at the same time, so I don’t really know what I’ll pick up until I start it.

That said, July is also the next Camp NaNoWriMo session, and fingers crossed that I actually get myself together to participate in it. But more information on that coming in a post later this week. That said, my reading will be a bit relaxed this month so I can focus on writing.

Okay, now to the actual TBR options.

When You Wish Upon a Star by Elizabeth Lim

The upcoming read I am most excited for – a retelling of Pinocchio by recounting just who the Blue Fairy was prior to hearing Geppetto’s wish. Pinocchio is far from a favorite character of mine, but I always love hearing more of the backstory on minor characters, and this story in particular is very rarely ever redone. I thought Lim’s other work in the Twisted Tales series (So This is Love) was decent. (Haven’t gotten around to Reflection yet.) So I’m hoping good things with this one.

Chaos & Flame by Tessa Gratton and Justina Ireland

I got this only because I didn’t want to walk out of the library with only three books (one of which was a graphic novel). I know this is the first in a series, which I usually don’t like reading as soon as they come out because then I never continue, but it has dragons… so there’s that… Okay, honestly I don’t know anything else about this book. So we’ll see how it goes, I guess.

Whatever After: Beauty Queen by Sarah Mlynowski

And to continue our journey with Abby and Jonah, I hope to get to the seventh installment of the Whatever After series narrated by the lovely Emily Eiden. This time we’re stepping into the world of Beauty and the Beast – one of my favorite fairytales. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the storytelling and mischief in all of the others thus far, so I’m sure I’ll like this one too.

Well, this list doesn’t look too intimidating, so hopefully I won’t have a problem sticking to it this month. Have you read any of these? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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